Forging A Vernacular Identity
Oil on canvas, 6'x8'
Oil on canvas, 3.5'x8'
Oil on canvas, 7.5'x5.5'
Forging a Vernacular Identity is inspired by my curiosity of the mysteries which lie in the ordinary places around me. I have a strong fascination with how systems of math and science are at play to create the poetry of a space, but could never hope to understand them. I find myself drawn to painting nature and architecture because of their inherent relationships to math and science. My paintings are a series of experiments through which I break down shapes, colors, and forms which I find within spaces into modular units, and reassemble them to try to figure out how they work. I like to manipulate different variables like scale, directionality of marks and orientation to play with how the viewer might perceive a space. I often combine different variables of multiple spaces to create a singular hybridized space. This process of experimentation and analysis becomes deeply introspective, and I find that I project myself onto the spaces which I paint. I convey my own sense of a fractured reality and disjuncture with the world through a dialogue between degenerate architecture and nature.